Eight years ago, an adventure game that focused on stories, To The Moon was released on PC. It didn’t take long to make it famous among his fans. The game that was created using RPG Maker is also aimed at Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android thanks to how easy it is to get ported.
Unfortunately, the game that tells two doctors to grant the patient’s last request has not moved to the current console. Luckily, it looks like the developers of Freebird Games and X.D. The network will immediately grant it.
Although soon the engine that is used To To Moon, the RPG Maker MV will be released in the console, but porting from the PC and mobile versions cannot be as easy as thought. Therefore X.D. Network recreates the game so that it can be released on the Nintendo Switch using the Unity Engine.
Like what you can watch yourself through the teaser above, X.D. Network does it very well without changing many of the main elements of the game. The thing that makes it different is certainly from the visual side which is now sharper with better and more charming color saturation.
To The Moon can be played on PC, Mac, iOS and Android. He will also be released on the Nintendo Switch this summer. You can follow the news about it through their official website.