Tag Archives: Plant Vs Zombie

Plant Vs Zombie Board Game ?

Plant Vs Zombie Board Game ?

Plant Versus Zombie is a strategy casual game which is very liked by all people. Anyone know about this game, but the question is what if Plant Versus Zombie made into a board game ? Is that possible ?

There’s one channel on Youtube named Little Puffin, he’s a fan of Plant Versus Zombie, it turns out he made a board game called Plants vs Zombies.

It’s different with the real game on console or PC. The concept is same, you must shoot every zombie who want to eat your brain, but you are not planting your army, but you directly shoot them with a card board gun ! Sound interesting right ? It’s like playing Shoot Em Up game in arcade machine.

Zombie will coming to you and you must stop them before they reach your safeline. If they reached the safeline, then you will be lose and you need to start new game again. Its very relaxing and fun to play. So, if you want to know how to make a Plant Versus Zombie board game, check this video !


You can watch and learn step by step to build that machine, cheap and easy to make. You can spend your time with friend or with your kid to play this board game.