To attract the attention of PC gamers who have been spoiled by Steam, one way Epic Games does it on its new store is to provide free games every 2 weeks. On this occasion, the indie metroidvania game titled Axiom Verge is a free game. The game made by Tom Happ in his 5-year time frame was released in 2015 on Steam. If you are a lover of this genre, of course you don’t want to miss out on free promos this time.
Although it has been released for a long time, the Epic Games Store version that was just released was faced with a small problem. The game will suddenly crash towards the desktop because of one missing file. The file turns out to be a file called “Steam.xnb”. Looking at the name, it might have occurred to me that it was a DRM file from Steam, but it turned out to be just a sound file for the steam engine in the game.
The developer issues a response to this small problem and explains what happened. Seeing before this game was released on Steam, he decided to discard all Steam-related files for the Epic Games Store version. Unexpectedly one of the files he deleted was a sound file that had nothing to do with DRM from Valve’s platform but happened to have the name “Steam”. Fortunately this problem has been fixed quickly by developers and games can now be played in the EGS version.
If there is a lesson to be learned from this trivial problem, it is always to check again what you just “CTRL + F”.