Digimon series is very popular for anime fans around the world. There is so many version of Digimon, like Digimon 1 – 3, Digimon Tamers and many more. From many species of Digimon, Agumon is the iconic Digimon. Back in time, Bandai already released Digimon Links. In this game, every player can build a solid team with their Digimon. But there is one missing part of that version, it’s the main story. Digimon Links only server a bunch of fighting Digimon without any good story behind the battle. Sounds bored right ?
This year, Bandai Namco once again announcing a new version of Digimon game, Digimon ReArise. This game can be play on mobile and taking different direction with Digimon Links. For this version, Namco give a good story behind every scene in the game. With this story, Namco believed this game can be more fun to play. As we know, Digimon without story is suck and bored as hell.
In this game, Pusurimon become the main digimon. In the story, there is a mysterious character called Spiral. This thing causing a disaster on Digital World. Pasurimon came out with some mission, for example, he come to help his owner. Pasurimon itself can digivole to Erismon to save a main character. So will you play this game once it release ?